Saturday 2 June 2018

My Bee Report

Hello! In school I am learning to write reports, and this is an report about bees. I hope you like it, and enjoy!

Title: Bees

Introduction (Classification) Bees are part of the insect family. They are invertebrates.

Appearance: They have 6 legs, 3 body parts, which are head, thorax and abdomen.
Their size is around a finger. Their short, thick bodies are covered with short hair.
They also have 5 eyes!

Diet: Bees feast on nectar. The babies, Larvae, eat the royal jelly to help them grow up.
When they grow up, they start to eat normal honey, sometimes they might eat bee bread.
The Queen also eats the The Royal Jelly.

Habitat: They can live mostly anywhere, but they can’t live in Antarctica because there are no
flowers, and it’s too cold to live there. They also need flowers, because without flowers they
wouldn't survive. for them flowers are very special to them firstly,
They eat nectar (so they would starve to death) secondly, it’s very cold there and thirdly,
they wouldn’t be able to feed the babies, and their Queen.

Life-cycle: The Queen bee can only lay the eggs. Then the bee with the nectar comes, and feeds
it. So the Queen lays the egg then it hatches, they feed it, while the baby eats (which is called a
larvae) they grow bigger.  

What they do: Bees collect nectar. They also pollinate some of our fruit. They collect the nectar
from the flowers. Then they come with the nectar, all over their body. They store it in the bee
bread, (which the babies, Larvae sleep) and feed it. They also make the honey, which is nice,
and sweet.

Interesting Facts: There are over 20,000 bee types! They have a few predators. An average
beehive can hold around 50,000 bees!

Facts About A Female Bee: Do you want to know, how to tell a female bee, to a male bee?
Well here the answer,  are you ready?
Female’s are the ones with the stinger. TADA! That’s the answer. Worker bees are females.

Facts About A Male Bee: Male bees don’t have a stinger. The males in the hive are called

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